Roads and runoff
Implementing green streets in the urban landscape
Roads are a leading source of runoff and runoff pollution. But publicly owned rights of way are also a leading opportunity to reduce runoff volumes from the road surface and surrounding lands by incorporating a variety of green infrastructure (low impact development) measures. In 2015-16, Green Communities Canada partnered with Credit Valley Conservation on a project to engage practitioners and decision-makers in the potential for implementing right-of-way green infrastructure, with a focus on practical barriers and solutions.
Thanks to the Places to Grow Implementation Fund, province of Ontario, for financial support.
Background discussion paper
A discussion paper was prepared for participants prior to attending the Roads and Runoff workshop in March 2016.
Toronto Green Street Presentation
Toronto Green Streets: Building a Resilient City through Green Infrastructure, presented by Sheila Boudreau, Toronto City Planning, and Patrick Cheung, Toronto Water.
Final project report
Includes details on a one-day workshop on the topic in Port Credit, Mississauga, 1 March 2016.
Grey to Green Road Right-of-Way Retrofit Guide
This guide is prepared by Credit Valley Conservation with information, guidance, case studies and tools to help you implement and operate LID practices in the right-of-way in municipalities of any size.