Save money, reduce flood risk, and protect water
We help local governments meet stormwater management goals by building support and participation in managing rain where it falls.
We’re the community engagement experts
We’ll work with experts and champions in your community to build a program tailored to local needs and conditions. Together we can mobilize community buy-in for innovative stormwater solutions designed to manage rain where it falls, reduce runoff, filter contaminants, and build climate resilience.
Learn more about stormwater problems and solutions.
Read the interpretation bulletin outlining expectations on stormwater management for the province of Ontario, released by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in early 2015.
Learn about the benefits to municipalities of managing rain where it falls, getting community buy in and working with us.
Find out more about what we can offer to municipalities. Our service packages are customizable to meet your needs.
Soak it Up! Toolkit
Our latest resource identifies programs and policies for implementing green stormwater infrastructure across the urban landscape.
![The Umbrella logo](/wp-content/themes/rain-theme/images/the-umbrella-green-stormwater-infrastructure-logo.png)
Stay up to date on the latest green infrastructure news with the Umbrella Stormwater Bulletin. It’s free, monthly.
What municipalities are saying:
Ready to take the next step?
Get in touch with us to start the conversation about bringing the RAIN Program to your community.