RAIN benefits for municipalities
We will help you accelerate implementation of green infrastructure by getting community buy-in.
Big changes are coming in the way stormwater is managed. By using proven effective green stormwater infrastructure (also known as low impact development) you can reduce the burden on aging infrastructure. RAIN Community Solutions will help you accelerate implementation of green infrastructure in your community.

Benefits of managing rain where it falls
- Meet provincial guidelines
- Save money on new infrastructure and ongoing maintenance
- Reduce strain on aging infrastructure
- Reduce stormwater volume and associated flood risk
- Improve water quality and keep beaches open
- Replenish aquifers
- Beautification
- Reduce urban heat island effect

Benefits of community buy-in
- Greater understanding of stormwater challenges
- Public support for practical, cost effective solutions
- Private property owners take action to reduce volumes
- Community organization volunteer spaces for demonstration projects
- Increased uptake on related municipal programs (subsidies for sanitary sewer backflow prevention, etc.)

Benefits of working with Green Communities Canada
- Experts in community engagement
- Two decades delivering effective, award winning programs
- Fun, engaging, resourceful, innovative
- Partnership driven, collaborative
- Professional and results-oriented
- Able to leverage funding from other sources
Our Standard of Excellence
Materials for public education, outreach and marketing meet the following expectations::
- Scientific accuracy
- Simple, clear, consistent language and messaging
- Visual appeal
- Objectivity and independence

Stay up to date to on the latest green infrastructure news with the Umbrella Stormwater Bulletin.
Ready to take the next step?
Bring the RAIN Program to your community. Get in touch to start the conversation.