Upcoming Events

Browse the calendar below for more stormwater-related training, conferences, webinars, and community events. Check here for our past webinars hosted by us.

< 2018 >
  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Water Walk 2015 Group Photo

    This is the first webinar of a series: “Trying to get it right: Indigenous and non-Indigenous alliances working for a better environment”, hosted by Green Communities Canada. In the webinar series we will hear from partners, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who have worked together to achieve a unified environmental goal. This particular webinar will be presented by Dorothy Taylor and Cathy Mitchell on the project called Sacred Water Circle. Register or learn more about the webinar series. 

  • All day
    Fort York Toronto Public Library, 190 Fort York Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 0E7, Canada
    Green Roof Professional Training Logo

    The 3-day training is a program tailored for those who want to earn confidence and credibility in the field of green roof design and installation. Learn how to conduct cost-benefit analyses to make a business case for green roofs, design to achieve multiple performance benefits, integrate green roofs with other building systems for maximum client benefit, and much more. Registration includes detailed reference manuals and materials. Learn more and register. For those who can't attend in-person check out the online training program.

  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Water Walk 2015 Group Photo

    This is the second webinar of a series: “Trying to get it right: Indigenous and non-Indigenous alliances working for a better environment”, hosted by Green Communities Canada. In the webinar series we will hear from partners, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who have worked together to achieve a unified environmental goal. This particular webinar will be presented by Mary Alikakos and Tara Tchir on the project called "Antler River Guardians from the 4 Directions." Register or learn more about the webinar series 

  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Logo of Sustainable Technology Evaluation Program (STEP)

    Developed by Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Toronto and Region Conservation, and Credit Valley Conservation, the Low Impact Development (LID) Treatment Train Tool (TTT) is an exciting new open-source tool created to help developers, consultants, municipalities and landowners better understand, plan and implement sustainable stormwater practices. The tool can be used right from the conceptual-level planning stage of site development and retrofits for iterative design of LID placement and sizing. This webinar is intended for stormwater management practitioners, developers, LID designers, CA staff, water resources engineers, municipal staff, landscape architects and planners. Learn more and register online.


< 2018 >
  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Water Walk 2015 Group Photo

    This is the first webinar of a series: “Trying to get it right: Indigenous and non-Indigenous alliances working for a better environment”, hosted by Green Communities Canada. In the webinar series we will hear from partners, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who have worked together to achieve a unified environmental goal. This particular webinar will be presented by Dorothy Taylor and Cathy Mitchell on the project called Sacred Water Circle. Register or learn more about the webinar series. 

  • All day
    Fort York Toronto Public Library, 190 Fort York Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 0E7, Canada
    Green Roof Professional Training Logo

    The 3-day training is a program tailored for those who want to earn confidence and credibility in the field of green roof design and installation. Learn how to conduct cost-benefit analyses to make a business case for green roofs, design to achieve multiple performance benefits, integrate green roofs with other building systems for maximum client benefit, and much more. Registration includes detailed reference manuals and materials. Learn more and register. For those who can't attend in-person check out the online training program.

  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Water Walk 2015 Group Photo

    This is the second webinar of a series: “Trying to get it right: Indigenous and non-Indigenous alliances working for a better environment”, hosted by Green Communities Canada. In the webinar series we will hear from partners, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who have worked together to achieve a unified environmental goal. This particular webinar will be presented by Mary Alikakos and Tara Tchir on the project called "Antler River Guardians from the 4 Directions." Register or learn more about the webinar series 

  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    Logo of Sustainable Technology Evaluation Program (STEP)

    Developed by Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Toronto and Region Conservation, and Credit Valley Conservation, the Low Impact Development (LID) Treatment Train Tool (TTT) is an exciting new open-source tool created to help developers, consultants, municipalities and landowners better understand, plan and implement sustainable stormwater practices. The tool can be used right from the conceptual-level planning stage of site development and retrofits for iterative design of LID placement and sizing. This webinar is intended for stormwater management practitioners, developers, LID designers, CA staff, water resources engineers, municipal staff, landscape architects and planners. Learn more and register online.


We love to share your green infrastructure and stormwater-related events. Your events will be posted here upon review.

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