Green infrastructure in winter

Green infrastructure in winter

Photo credit: Alison Gillespie  There are many myths about green infrastructure – and many good counterarguments. One of the most persistent myths is that Canada’s winter weather makes green infrastructure impractical. We hear it all the time: “This might work in...
Depave Paradise tears up pavement across Canada

Depave Paradise tears up pavement across Canada

Walk by a busy commercial intersection in Peterborough, a schoolyard in Ottawa, a kids play area in Kingston, and a residential alleyway in Montreal, and you might notice some big changes. All of these sites are part of the 2015 Depave Paradise program, in which...
Rain barrels for managing rain where it falls

Rain barrels for managing rain where it falls

Long promoted as a tool for water conservation, rain barrels are emerging as a simple low-cost method of on-site stormwater management. Collecting roof runoff is valuable whether the goal is to save water or manage rain where it falls. But if the goal is runoff volume...
Webinar on stormwater user fee (utility) model

Webinar on stormwater user fee (utility) model

After years of chronic underfunding of stormwater infrastructure, many Canadian cities are looking to a new model of charging dedicated lot-level stormwater management fees. This approach, often known as the stormwater utility model, has multiple advantages: reliable...